Let’s break the obsolete codes of society and impact the world together!
Coaches, Creators, Dreamers, Entrepreneurs, “Multipassionates”, Multipotentials…
Pioneers, Visionaries… Let’s break the codes and make this world :
the world of our dreams.

Mel de Bontemps
My background
I am Mel. I am here to help you change the game, to break the social codes that are no longer adapted to our awakening consciousness and to help you write the life of your dreams. For more than ten years I decided to make my life a project in perpetual evolution. Because this profession of coach and mentor is more than a vocation, it is a mission. My Art is to accompany you to impact the world in your own way, to find your voice and present yourself to the collective in your uniqueness. For each of us is unique and has a role to play in this new global paradigm. I am a coach, author and trainer in the fields of energetics, quantum, personal and spiritual growth; and I am here to help you fully embody your life mission and impact the world with your unique talents.
Read and inspire
The 11 quantum codes
The neuroscience method to reprogram your life…
Mel’s news
with Mel
How to work together?
I am here to accompany you towards the transition of the new world paradigm and to promote our collective spiritual awakening…
Reveal yourself, unfold your uniqueness and positively impact the world of tomorrow!

Private group meetings, every month, live. All the live shows will be available in replay, hosted by Mel.

The latest group programs online. Let’s connect and experience the magic of an adventure together. Each new program will be posted on this site, available live and then accessible in replay in your member area.

Individual private coaching in 1:1. Short coaching sessions or long mentoring sessions. Coaching & mentoring.
Coach Certifications
Coaching & Mentoring
How do we impact the world and create magic together?
Train in coaching and mentoring to accompany people in turn, to impact the world positively and to offer your human uniqueness to the collective. Break the codes to fully embody your difference & get off the beaten track.
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